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Schaffen Sie durch Teilen mehr Wert

Teilen Sie die innovativen Produkte von ECO-WORTHY mit Freunden und verdienen Sie Provisionen, während Sie gleichzeitig für Nachhaltigkeit werben. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam eine grünere Zukunft vorantreiben und für jede Empfehlung belohnt werden. Werden Sie jetzt Mitglied, verdienen Sie Geld und leisten Sie gleichzeitig einen positiven Beitrag!

3 Schritte, um


Profitieren Sie von einer vertrauenswürdigen Marke und Qualitätsprodukten und tragen Sie zu einer besseren, umweltfreundlichen Zukunft bei.

Make Your Sharing Create More Value

Share ECO-WORTHY's innovative products with friends and earn commissions while promoting sustainability. Together, let's power a greener future and reap rewards for every referral. Join now and start earning while making a positive impact! 


Benefit from a trusted brand, quality products, and contribute to a brighter, eco-friendly future.


  • Program

  • Commission

  • Terms

How does the ECO-WORTHY affiliate program work?

Join our affiliate program by submitting your application on our affiliate program partner's website(Impact/Shareasale). Then you will receive exclusive links, promote them, and watch your commission roll in.  

If I want to use the ECO-WORTHY logo in my promotional content, is this illegal?

No. We recommend using affiliate banners provided by ECO-WORTHY.

Which platforms can I use to join ECO-WORTHY affiliate marketing?

What Is my cookie duration?

30 days.

How much money can I earn with ECO-WORTHY affiliate marketing?

For every order placed, you will receive a 5% commission.

How Do I Earn In This Program?

① Sign up on the platform

② Share the affiliate link on social media

③ Order completed, get commission

How Can I Check My Affiliate Performance?

Once you have been accepted into the program, you will be able to log in to your affiliate account and view your sales and commission earnings.

If there is a dispute about an order I promoted, how will the affiliate marketing platform resolve it?

Click ShareAsale and Impact to learn about the rules and regulations.  


  • Partnerprogramm

  • Über die Kommission

  • Bedingungen

Wie funktioniert das ECO-WORTHY-Partnerprogramm?

Nehmen Sie an unserem Partnerprogramm teil, indem Sie Ihre Bewerbung auf der Website unseres Partnerprogrammpartners (Impact/CJ/Awin) einreichen. Dann erhalten Sie exklusive Links, können diese bewerben und zusehen, wie Ihre Provision hereinströmt.

Ist es illegal, wenn ich das ECO-WORTHY-Logo in meinen Werbeinhalten verwenden möchte?

Nein. Wir empfehlen die Verwendung von Affiliate-Bannern von ECO-WORTHY.

Welche Plattformen kann ich nutzen, um am Affiliate-Marketing von ECO-WORTHY teilzunehmen?

Wie lange ist die Gültigkeit meines Cookies?

30 Tage.

Wie viel Geld kann ich mit ECO-WORTHY Affiliate-Marketing verdienen?

Für jede aufgegebene Bestellung erhalten Sie 5 % Provision.

Wie verdiene ich mit diesem Programm?

① Registrieren Sie sich auf der Plattform

② Teilen Sie den Affiliate-Link in sozialen Medien

③ Bestellung abgeschlossen, Provision erhalten

Wie kann ich die Leistung meines Partners überprüfen?

Sobald Sie in das Programm aufgenommen wurden, können Sie sich bei Ihrem Partnerkonto anmelden und Ihre Verkaufs- und Provisionseinnahmen einsehen.

Wenn es einen Streit über eine von mir beworbene Bestellung gibt, wie wird dieser von der Affiliate-Marketing-Plattform gelöst?

Klicken Sie auf „Impact, CJ, Awin“, um mehr über die Regeln und Vorschriften zu erfahren.



  • Affilliate Program

  • About Commission

  • Terms

How does the ECO-WORTHY affiliate program work?

Join our affiliate program by submitting your application on our affiliate program partner's website(Impact/Shareasale). Then you will receive exclusive links, promote them, and watch your commission roll in.  

If I want to use the ECO-WORTHY logo in my promotional content, is this illegal?

No. We recommend using affiliate banners provided by ECO-WORTHY.

Which platforms can I use to join ECO-WORTHY affiliate marketing?

What Is my cookie duration?

30 days.

How much money can I earn with ECO-WORTHY affiliate marketing?

For every order placed, you will receive a 5% commission.

How Do I Earn In This Program?

① Sign up on the platform

② Share the affiliate link on social media

③ Order completed, get commission

How Can I Check My Affiliate Performance?

Once you have been accepted into the program, you will be able to log in to your affiliate account and view your sales and commission earnings.

If there is a dispute about an order I promoted, how will the affiliate marketing platform resolve it?

Click ShareAsale and Impact to learn about the rules and regulations.  



  • Affilliate Program

  • About Commission

  • Terms

How does the ECO-WORTHY affiliate program work?

Join our affiliate program by submitting your application on our affiliate program partner's website(Impact/Shareasale). Then you will receive exclusive links, promote them, and watch your commission roll in.  

If I want to use the ECO-WORTHY logo in my promotional content, is this illegal?

No. We recommend using affiliate banners provided by ECO-WORTHY.

Which platforms can I use to join ECO-WORTHY affiliate marketing?

What Is my cookie duration?

30 days.

How much money can I earn with ECO-WORTHY affiliate marketing?

For every order placed, you will receive a 5% commission.

How Do I Earn In This Program?

① Sign up on the platform

② Share the affiliate link on social media

③ Order completed, get commission

How Can I Check My Affiliate Performance?

Once you have been accepted into the program, you will be able to log in to your affiliate account and view your sales and commission earnings.

If there is a dispute about an order I promoted, how will the affiliate marketing platform resolve it?

Click ShareAsale and Impact to learn about the rules and regulations.  
